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Update Teamspeak 3 Npl Servers Updated

Discussion in 'Teamspeak 3 NPL Servers' started by TJ Martin, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. TJ Martin

    TJ Martin Director of Operations WASD Hosting Staff Tier 3 Support

    Nov 6, 2013
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    Teamspeak NPL Licenses have been around for some time now. Did you know that WASD Hosting was the original provider of the NPL Teamspeak VPS server? Sure, most hosts would offer a vps for your Teamspeak 3 Server but we are the only provider that actually created the servers specifically for Teamspeak 3 Server hosting. At a click of a button you can be talking on your own Teamspeak 512 slot server. All server files and ports are preconfigured even for the most basic novice user. Upon purchase, your server is automatically setup. All you need to do is login via SSH and start the Teamspeak 3 Server with one command. We have also included an auto start script that will make sure your server is running 24x7. Attached is a sample image of what you see when logging into your new server.

    Currently we offer our NPL VPS Servers on Centos 32bit & 64bit and are running the latest version of Teamspeak 3 v3.0.10.1

    Attached Files:

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